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Monday, September 24, 2007

Fortuity in Combat

Okay, Kregg brought up a good theory. Good Fortune should produce better combat rolls or outcomes, right? Kregg proposed to have it included in an Attribute Die (a combat die that includes Initiative, Coordination and Fortuity). Is this the only way to use the tool called Fortuity in combat? What other ideas can we come up with?

1 comment:

Jayson said...

I was thinking of a tool that could be used. Instead of including it as a die (i.e. combat die) we could use it as a number that is rolled on the dice. For example, let say you are battling an opponent who has a high Fortuity of 4 (or a ten on the 4-12 scale). Every time you roll below a four, your opponent gains some sort of advantage. This would be very similar to Palladium's rule about an automatic miss, or GURPS 6+6+6 (1+1+1) rule. The same thing would happen if your opponent rolled beneath your Fortuity. This way it does not have as much weight as a Combat oriented attribute and gives us a clear picture WHEN a lucky event occurs.