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Monday, September 24, 2007

Combat with a Long-Ranged Weapon

Kregg said...

Anyway, Projectile Combat would be very similar; but first, you must ask yourself "What are the factors when you shoot/throw an object at an opponent?" Distance, Size, Movement, & Cover, right? The Attacker would still roll an Attribute Die & a Skill Die and add the shooting-distance-bonus (shotgun = +1, pistol = +2, rifle = +3, sniper rifle = +4, long-range artillery = +5, etc.). The Attacker must roll above the Distance, Movement, and Cover (AR); Defender will simply roll his Attribute Die to dodge, and add/subtract his Size bonus/penalty (depending on how big/small the Defender is). Here's what a Projectile Combat scenario would look like:
Conrad the Crossbowman's Attribute Die is a D6, his Crossbow Skill is D10, and his weapon's distance bonus is +2. His target is Ronny the Rogue--size level 7 (5 = an average 6' man, so he's a pretty BIG man) , running out in the open, wearing 30% armor (AR = +3). His Size gives him a -2 to dodge (2 above the average level of 5), but his AR gives him a +3. So, Conrad measures out the distance: 40 yards; plus, Ronny is running at a movement level of 3. Conrad must therefore roll above 7 (4 [40 yards] + 3 = 7), rolling his 2 dice (the Attribute Die & the Crossbow Skill Die). Ronny rolls his dodge with his Attribute Die (1 die), -2 (size level), & +3 AR (30% Armor Cover). [By the way, 100% Armor Cover would be +10 AR--"armor rating"; a roll above the AR means that the projectile hit the wearer somewhere where it didn't cover the wearer; a roll above the dodge, but below the AR means that it only hit the Armor, hence damaging the armor---any damage inflicted above the armor's penetration factor (PF) will go right through the armor and hurt the wearer; a roll below the dodge roll means that the projectile totally missed, doing no damage to both the armor and the wearer.]

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